Sharing my life with you, is what I do.

Monday, November 7, 2011

You never know where your Blessings will come from

I haven't been writing my blog lately and I was wondering to myself  if I even had anything that people were really interested in reading about. Was I just talking to myself, was it meaningful,what? Anyway, today I received an email from a woman named Heather Von St. James who read the blog, (Thank you) and asked me if I could share her story on MY blog. My little blog with only 8 followers. WOW! I feel really touched and blessed that she would ask me to share her message of faith, courage and strength through her battle with Mesothelioma. You never know where or when your blessings will come. But, I wanted to share the one I got today with you. Please check out Heather's amazing story.  I hope her story will remind you just how blessed and fortunate we all are. Peace

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